Coastal Legacies
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In This Issue—Fall 2023

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Dear Friends,

One of the most meaningful ways we can leave a mark is by supporting organizations that align with our deeply held values. The Center for Coastal Studies epitomizes this spirit, steadfast in its commitment to the preservation of our marine environment.

In this edition of Coastal Legacies, we delve into key aspects of estate planning. Through some thoughtful steps, you can champion ocean and coastal conservation while maintaining tax efficiency. By bequeathing a portion of your assets to the Center, you’re not just bolstering vital marine research and conservation initiatives, you’re also enhancing the lasting impact of your estate.

I invite you to join the esteemed ranks of the Mayo-Giese Founders Society, a community that honors those who’ve made the Center a part of their legacy planning. By taking this step, you ensure that your estate gift can illuminate a path of hope for our marine habitats. As a member of the CCS Mayo-Giese Founders Society, you will receive exclusive access, event invitations, and updates available only to our most devoted supporters.

The planned giving decisions you make today can help safeguard our oceans for the future. Let’s work together to send forth ripples of positive change that will be felt for generations. Thank you for making a difference!


Rich Delaney

Rich Delaney
Executive Director

If you are thinking about making a planned gift to the Center, we are grateful for your consideration and would be pleased to discuss your questions or concerns at any time.

Thumbnail of the Guide, A Personal and Charitable Financial Record

Request Your Complimentary Guide: A Personal and Charitable Financial Record

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