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In This Issue—Fall 2023

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Simple Steps to Take When Planning Your Estate

Maximize How Much You Give to Charity and Minimize the Amount “Lost” to Taxes

Money is a great treasure that only
increases as you give it away.
- Sir Francis Bacon

The English philosopher/scientist quoted here refers to the greatest kind of treasure - the act of helping others. Knowing that your generosity benefits another person or an organization is a satisfaction that can't be measured in dollars and cents.

One of the best ways to accomplish this helping of others is through your will or living trust. By taking a few simple steps when preparing your estate plan, you can maximize the amount that will go to charity and minimize the amount "lost" to taxes.

Better still, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you truly have earned a treasure - the heartfelt thanks of those whom you have helped.

Get your complimentary guide, A Personal and Charitable Financial Record, which has a comprehensive fill-in-the-blank format that you can complete and take to your estate-planning advisors.

Thumbnail of the Guide, A Personal and Charitable Financial Record

Request Your Complimentary Guide: A Personal and Charitable Financial Record

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